Meredith & Tyler | Green Bay, WI Engagement

These two were so much fun to get to know!
We had a great time adventuring around their town and chatting about their upcoming wedding.
And I just have to say…Meredith has the whole planning a wedding thing DOWN!

Here is their engagement story:
(note: tyler is a police officer, which will make the story clearer)

“We had a date planned for a Friday night to go out to eat at our favorite special occasion restaurant, Saint Brendan's in Green Bay. (Meredith thought he was going to propose at the restaurant, and was looking forward to it all day!) On her way home from work, Meredith got pulled over two blocks away from home. The officer led the standard conversation,, “License, proof of insurance…” and then asked Meredith, “Were you aware you have a cracked tail light on your vehicle? Would you please step out and inspect the damage so we can file a report?” and when Meredith got to the back of her car, Tyler was kneeling on the road between her car and the squad! Meredith was in complete shock!! Tyler opened the ring box and asked the question, and Meredith was so surprised, that she forgot to say yes, but rather let out a big swear word instead! Of course, it was captured on dashcam footage and saved forever! (Tyler had to remind her to say “YES!”, which of course, she then did!)”