Felicia & Tyler | Keweenaw Engagement

Felicia & Tyler get married in less than two weeks and I’m so honored to be documenting it for them!
Last fall they traveled up to the Keweenaw to get their engagement photos taken.
Below are some of my absolute favorites!

Also, for fun..i’m sharing their engagement story because I think it’s so dang cute!
This is Felicia’s version of it:

“Oh my heart! Tyler had convinced me that a trip to Chicago had fallen into our laps from a friend of his who was unable to find child care. We drove to Michigan City and rode the train to Chicago and spent the evening going to an amazing restaurant followed by a private sailboat ride along the shore line of Chicago. On the sailboat I of course wanted to take a picture on the bow of the boat, and in the middle of pictures, Tyler got down on one knee and asked me to marry him, there was a lot of happy crying, and I obviously said yes! After the sailboat ride, Tyler informed me that he had planned this for several weeks and had included my best friend since elementary school in on the plans, and they were all waiting to greet me a couple blocks from the dock. I still tear up thinking about this!”