Gemignani Family | In-Home Family

You've heard me go on and on about how much I love in home family sessions so I decided that you can listen to Emily for this one! ;)
P.S. They are THE best.  

"This is home session was the first family photo shoot we have ever done. When Bryana first mentioned the idea to me I was sold! I loved not only being able to document the point in life we were all at but doing so in this place we spend so much time. To be able to look back and say...remember when the wall was that color and look how small the trees are! 
My daughter can be very shy with new people which was my one concern at getting a natural looking photo of her. Bryana was overly patient and sat and watching cartoons for a half an hour until she warmed up. By the end of it she was being a ham and posing, which was so fun. All in all it was very special experience and will definitely be doing another." - Emily Gemignani